OK,Imgoin4it, I do not have a CCC2 board, nor do I have a Penguin. I have the duo therm original that came with the unit in 05. It is indeed a two speed motor but has a yellow wire for medium speed. But that was so for the past ten years and it worked fine. I do believe though that you are right about the heat of the motor. Today I will measure the temp when it shuts down.
Doug, I am sorry to say that I can't find the original board. I keep everything but I can't find it. But, as I shop for a board I can only find that one board for my model dometic. I deal with Dyers and they have always been very good about sending the correct parts. I also talked with dometic and I am aware of the need to either replace both units and the stat or to replace the board in the new unit. Sweet deal for dometic. Question, how hot is too hot on that motor or the compressor. Another question, would over heating cause the motor to seize while the compressor continues to run? That's what I think is happening. I will verify that today. Thank you one and all for responding.