Ok some nits and observations
1L when the OP typed "Condenser" yes he made a mistake. For he also said "IN THE ICE" and there should never be ice on the condenser save perhaps in late january here in the great white north (And you won't care at that point you will be using the FURNACE)
Next The thermostat... NOT even a suspect. The T-Stat if wall mounted has absolutely NOTHIGN to do with the freeze sensor.. They don't even talk to each other.. They do both talk to the control board but differnet ears (Ports).
I do not know how the O/P is reading the frost sensor.. I'm not aware of any A/C control system that has a way to do that.. So I'm now asking. How are you reading the sensor?
A Multi-Meter can measure the resistance.. now the problem here is most Thermistor deices are Negative Temperature coefficient Devices.
This means as the heat goes up the resistance goes down (Standard resistors like the filiment in an incasdascant lamp as they heat up the resistance goes up.. Special carbon units and others used in electronics may be deisigned to NOT do this)
But not all Thermisistors are the same value.. If you are using the Temperature setting on a multi meter with a Thermistor other than one designed for that meter.. you may get wrong readings.
Read the device in a room that's 72 and then stick it in the freezer and read it see if the resistance or the indicated temp on the meter changes.