OP Here,
While waiting to find a service facility I kept working on the AC. I replaced the control board and thermostat as I obtained one at a reasonable price and it was fairly easy to replace.
After the replacement the air was not that cool and after running overnight it froze up the next day. The place I was going to call this morning has absolutely horrible reviews online about 9 negative to 1 positive including theft vandalism and poor repairs. I won't risk taking my RV there.
My selling dealer is mid November on getting me in and we are supposed to be in Disney November 8th. Other places are December and January.
Since I have already replaced everything else I have ordered a replacement upper unit which will arrive this Thursday. My brother and several of his friends / coworkers are coming Saturday to install it. I'm hoping that everything goes well and we will be able to travel again soon.
I will provide another update once installed.