Forum Discussion

AdamBryner2012's avatar
Nov 01, 2015

Dometic B57915 Brisk II RV Air Conditioner

Hello All,

I have a Dometic B57915 Brisk II RV Air Conditioner just outside the two year warranty with the following problem.

It looks like the factory let the wires just lay on the pressure line of the unit. The compressor creates such a frequency that after a few years rubbed the insulation right off the wires causing it to arc on the pressure line and create a pin hole which allowed the freon and compressor oil to leak out (shown below).

I believe it's a warranty issue as they should of been zip tied away from the lines and never allowed close to any moving parts.

Regardless, will I be able to get this repaired or do I need to buy a new one?
It's the second air in the bedroom and like 90 degrees today...

Need wires repaired, pinhole soldiered, service ports added, drier added, and unit charged.

Does anybody know of a service guy that does HVAC around The Villages in Florida?
I can take the RV to them or they can come get on my roof.

Thank you!
  • 1. Nobody will repair under warranty. They will only replace the unit under warranty.
    2. You will need a Dometic authorized Service center Tech to verify and call Dometic to see if they will cover it. Probably Not, but with the pic they may bend the rules a little.
    3. If it was mine and they denied warranty, I would solder the hole, solder in a Schrader valve (NEVER use a clamp on fill valve) and fill the system. uses about 1 lb of 410.
    4. This will not be a quick replacement if the approve warranty. It will take about 2 to 5 days depending on how soon the Dometic Tech calls them. Doug
  • Yes this does look like a item that would be covered under warranty. I would call the manufacture, and see if they will do anything for you, regardless of the age of the unit.

    At least they might be able to point you to a authorized warranty agent, who can repair it. My guess is that I could heat the tubing to 1100F and melt in some solder in a few seconds, then cut off one of the low pressure tubes and install a freon fitting. Install a drier, and put it on a vacuum pump for about 1 hour. Recharge and it will work like normal. This will take about 3-4 hours. Most shop labor is in the $100 per hour range these days.

    Sadly most will go for a new unit with a new warranty, rather than a repair basically without warranty (for very long). Hopefully the factory will pick up the tab, or at least try to get them to pay 1/2? And would you be able to return to this repair shop for any warranty work related to this repair? Probably not. .

    So I hope that you can find a reasonable repair cost at someplace local. Most will just climb up on the roof and fix it there.
