PastorCharlie wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
If you really need it, you can buy the complete system including the 5 button CCC wall tstat. About $100 more than just the control board. That said, what makes you think your control board is bad? They rarely go bad. What is the failure? Doug
RV dealer tested and said bad mother board. have one on order for over 1 year. Came new from factory with 5 button tstat. Illustrated board not like mine.
If you have a 5 button CCC, both on my links ARE your board. The first link shows the galvinized box the board is in and the 2nd shows the raw board. BOTH are the same. You still have not stated what your failure was. As I stated, the boards rarely fail and is usually a communication cable problem NOT the Board. I have repaired lots of 5 button CCC systems where other service centers and the customer have replaced the board and when the new board did not fix the problem they came to me. Doug