SoundGuy wrote:
skipro3 wrote:
I have ended up with 3 generators; a Honda 7000 inverter used for the house during outages, a Yamaha 2800 I use when I think I need to run the AC and a Honda 1000. I use the 1000 for camping unless I think I'll be running my AC. I plan to test the new 2200 and see if it will hold my AC load. If so, the Yamaha is history. My AC is a Coleman 9 low profile on my truck camper.
A single Honda EU2200i powering a 13,500 BTU A/C equipped with a Micro-Air Easy Start Soft Starter Kit would seem to be the sweet setup for many. Of course as exterior ambient temperature rises so too does A/C compressor head pressure increase, causing an increase in current requirements, so the question is whether the additional capacity offered by the EU2200i is sufficient at 100F. The second issue is elevation, as any gas aspirated engine loses power as elevation increases, which explains why some resort to dual 2K gensets instead. Sure would be a great solution though if a single EU2200i would work for you where you intend to camp. :B
I'll be able to answer this question this summer. My honda 2000 at 4500ish feet and the microair easy start would EASILY START the AC in eco mode. But it couldn't keep it running, eventually after 15-20 minutes overload.
I now have a honda 2200 and will likely be experiencing the same conditions and we shall see if the extra 200W AND a noticeably larger engine will solve the high altitude problem. It looks like the 2200 went from a 100ish cc engine to 120ish cc engine. 20% larger, but only increased output by 10%. This indicates they may have built in some margin to account for output loss at higher altitudes and higher temperatures.
My brother will be camping in similar situations as well, and he also has the 2200 and micro air and is normally camping at 5000ft or more.
We shall see.