3 tons wrote:
ReneeG wrote:
ReneeG wrote:
We have two Honda eu2000i generators paralleled running a 15k AC. Honda generators paired like this will only provide 4000 watts for first thirty minutes, then they dial themselves back to 3200. The 15Kbtu requires 3800 watts for initial start, so test failed about 40 mins in after about the 3rd or 4th kick-on.
Soft start should reduce this below the required threshold. Parts are on order, should be here within the week and we'll do another test after installation.
An additional note, with our two eu2000i Honda's, with AC running we were able to put up the satellite and watch TV too, but as I said, after 30 min the power went down, but once the SoftStartUp is installed, that will be resolved.
Well, it’s not clear to me what you mean by “the power went down”, but (assuming no other loads) if your talking strictly about the 15kbtu air conditioner, I’m a bit surprised that the two Honda’s couldn’t momentarily surge to 4000w (per their spec’s) to handle this uber brief compressor start surge, maybe this was while in eco-mode (I donno ??), but it sounds like more info is needed…Yes, Easy-start will help out…
3 tons
What I should've said was that two 2000's provide 4000 watts at the start and for the first 30 minutes, then they dial themselves back to 3200. A 15k AC requires 3800 watts to start. So outside of the initial 30 minutes when the AC cycled on again, we lost power to the satellite and TV. It wasn't in eco mode, but know the SoftStartUp will fix that. Nice to know that we can watch TV though. A coworker has two off brands of generators to run his 13.5k AC and he says nothing, absolutely nothing else can be running for him.