After hours of online research & speaking with Intellitec’s tech support, I determined that the “Chassis Battery Disconnect Relay # 01-00055-000” was not working properly! I ordered a new one from Amazon. I disconnected my 30A shore power for a few days & gently slammed the engine compartment hood.
3 days later, I received the new relay. I didn’t have time to remove & replace it, but I needed to move my coach. After I moved it, I plugged it in to shore power. Then I turned the fridge on & the heat pump to auto on 78 degrees. The next day, I went inside to pull the engine compartment release & noticed the dash radio clock was on. So, I decided to try the ignition switch. Surprise me, the darn thing started up without the boost button. I tried it several times, with shore power unplugged, generator running & not running, everything 12V turned on, etc. The engine started every single time!
I’m hoping that when I slammed the engine compartment hood, it rattled a loose connection, fuse, or released the relay! I have spent hours checking every fuse, connection & ground wire in the engine compartment. At this point, I’m jokingly saying that the fix to my problem is just order a new relay on Amazon! You don’t even have to install it….
I hate 12V electrical gremlins! I will update this thread if I ever figure it out, but I’m going with it for now!