Ok, Electrical 240/120 volt 101
50 amp service is sometimes called 240 volt, the thing is that NOTHING in your RV actually uses 240 volt save perhaps an Intelletec EMS They all use 120 volt.
So why do we get 240 volt.. well we divide it in two, that's the neutral's job
The reasons for this are techinical and I'll post 'em down the page but the 240 volts is divided. now if your loads are PERFECTLY balanced (not possible or more accurtally, probility down less than 1 percent Then the neutral carries no current and if it's open, nobody will notice, But if your loads are NOT balanced (99+percent chance) then the line with the greater load will see reduced voltage, the line with the lesser higher.. Had a "limited" neutral in my house once and when the A/C kicked in the voltages went crazy, with one dropping to around 80 and the other topping 150. (I had meters on the line).
This may have damaged your motor home's electronics.
The technical stuff
Imagine a water system consisting of two pumps and some hydraulic motors as follows
One pump feeds fluid (water in this caee) into a pipe, this pipe feeds water,via a valve, to a turbine,, Return water from the turbine is fed to another pipe, with a "T" on the end (more on the other side of the T in a sec) that feeds back to the water storage tank.
The other side of this T feeds water on to a 2nd turbine, also via a valve, and from there to a suction pump, and back to the storage tank.
Now both pumps are capable of exactly the same flow, Both turbines also, IF all the valves are open..
If both valves are open, one pump is pushing say 10 GPM, the other is sucking 10 GPM and no water flows in the "neutral pipe" back to the tank.
But close a valve (just one) and suddenly the "neutral" is either supplying 10 GPM or Returning it (Depending on the valve)
Now.. Add a 2nd and 3rd and 10th Turbine (With control valve) to each "Leg"
You now have a very good description of how your RV is wired.
But what happens if the Neutral pipe gets clogged? Well, with the one side having it's valve closed, Tremendous pressure is built up at the break, (higher voltages on one side) and very little watter flows in the open side due to all this back pressure.
Now that is a bit differnet, but the idea is the same
How to deal with this in the future
A Progressive Industries HW-50C will check for open neutral and advise you if same exists, It will also block power from your RV if said exists so you do not suffer damage. Air Conditioner Compressors are EXPENSIVE.