There is nothing in a step module that would prevent a step from operating automatically if the battery voltage was low. The step will just NOT operate at all if the voltage is below 9 to 10 volts. The Signal is from the IGNITION side of the Key switch and has nothing to do with driving. You do not even have to start the engine for the Ignition override to function. Just turn the key to ignition. Steps can "lose" their memory if not activated in a long time. All you do is make sure you have a good 12.5 volts or higher and open and close the entry door 2 or 3 times and that will put the system back in memory. Your steps have a last out feature that can be lost from inactivity. IF you have a intermittent pin switch/magnetic switch in the entry door, that switch MUST operate for the steps to extend and retract regardless of the Ignition override. Doug