What is the noise level with it?? I know that with EMERGENCY generators one can be a bit.. er... Noisier than with normal RV stuff but just out of coursity what is the noise, at say 1500 watt load (a standard space heater) with one foot touching the wheel can you still talk to someone in a normal voice or do you have to "Speak up" to be heard over the generator (how I test 'em)
Also you mentioned starting it every once in a while
Yup, monthly, 1st of every month, then plug in the 1500 watt heater I just mentioned, set it on HIGH max temp (or get one without a thermostat) and let iot run for 30 minutes or more.
Shut down, and check oil Top off gas as needed or keep spare (STABILIZED gas handy, Seafoam to stabilize.