Yeah, so far out of high school that the fingers don't bend as well when counting.
I remember the power formula this way.
Think PIE.
P - power - measured in watts
I - current - measured in amps
E - voltage - measured in volts
Draw a circle - draw a line across the middle, leaving a top half and a bottom half.
Now from the center down draw a line. You now have 3 pieces of the PIE.
Write the letters into the circle - P in the top half - I in the left quarter at the bottom - E in the right quarter.
To find any one, you need to know the other two values.
Place your thumb over the value you want to find.
Covering P will leave I & E side by side the formula IE is multiplication.
Current (amps) X Voltage = Power (watts).
Covering I (current or amps) would leave P/E (P over E) which is a division formula P divided by E.
Power (watts)/E (volts) = I (current or amps)
If you actually draw this on paper and try it, you'll see it works easier than you can explain it.
I like PIE and cake and cookies.