vermilye's set up and use pretty much is identical to mine.. or at least to what I want to set up.
That 1000w drip coffee, I wonder how that compares to the Keurig... one cup at a time as far as how many amp hours it's consuming. Time will tell as you all must know by know, I'm gonna try a cup on battery and figure out amp hour consumption. It's just in my nature.
As far as the "safe" state of charge and how far we can draw them down. I look at batteries as I would gas for the tow vehicle. If you wanna play, you gotta pay. So if I can abuse them for a 2 or 3 seasons, then have to replace them.. I'm cool with that. And remember, our camping season up here is pretty short and most of the time, we're in a CG... so dry camping will never really be more then about 10 days a year I'm guessing. In short, I don't like to throw money away.. but the battery must work for me, I don't work for the battery.
I already have a 3000 Watt inverter and a 400 W and 100W that we use for various things.. so we'll give the 3K a shot of coffee here as a test run and just see how much damage I do to that gp 24. Then I can play stupid to DW and say we need to get new batteries. :O