agiannetti wrote:
Doug, Regarding "DID YOU REMOVE THE ORIFICE AND CHECK FOR BLOCKAGE OR DEBRIS?" I pulled the burner assembly out from the heat exchange tube, the tube was clear and the burner appeared clean (see photo), I did not detach burner from the part it was attached to.

Just to follow up on this sidebar aspect, here is a photo of the relevant parts of my old 8531 spare. You can see the orifice brass piece that screws into the gas pipe. You unscrew that to clean it.
Also you can see the old time sparker with three prongs, one being the flame sensor, while in the OP's photo you can see his two prong type in the background.
Two rusted out burner things are also shown, one from my OEM and one from the spare I got. One difference with those is the cover plate before the screen starts on the new ones you get, as seen in the OP's photo. The replacement I got has that cover plate, but it works ok in my old furnace, so whatever it is for, it doesn't matter with an older 8531.