I cant tell exactly which wiring diagram to use without the full model number. There should be a model number and serial number on an engine tag. Generac uses common wire numbers and methods across the product line. There appear to be 2 wiring/ignition systems used on the 34lp models.
In this service manual, on page 91 you will see the start stop circuits. Locate the remote switch, main switch, wire 14, wire 18 and the negative that is common to both switches. I dont know if you have ever worked with this stuff before but to the new person they usually go cross eyed at first sight. Look it over several times and it will all pop out at you.
On page 92 you will find system operation. This is an Impact 36
generacWhen you push start, a negative is sent to the control card and a positive is then sent from the card to the ignition module and fuel valve. It remains there unless the card sees a negative from the low oil pressure or high temp switches.
When you push stop, wire 18 sends a negative to the card and the card removes power from wire 14 and the ignition system stops.
On one of the other wiring diagrams when doing the same things I just described, the stop function happens when the card sends a negative to the module and "grounds" the module/coil. I will post a link at the bottom for that schematic. Right now we will stay with the "powered" ignition schematic.
So the 2 systems are common in the way the main switch and the remote switch are wired. Both systems send a negative to the card to tell it to stop.
If you look at the schematic you will see that the main switch and the remote switch panel merely piggy back each other.
What this is telling us so far is that we know we have a negative all the time at main switch and remote switch or we wouldn't be able to start the engine. Again, a negative is used to both start and stop the engine. We have it to start so we have it to stop it.
The question is where did we lose the signal that goes to the card or is the card seeing the negative signal yet not processing it to either drop the positive for the one type of ign system or not ground the other type of ign system.
Since neither switch will kill the engine we would first look for an open in wire 18 between the main switch and the pc board. Wire 18 should go to pin number 4 of the 10 pin connector.
On page 3 of this link they show a whole list of specific model.
On page 72 of this manual it does show a grounded type ignition system and a different control board.
GenSO......look this stuff over and you will get the general idea of what we are going after. We have not nailed the exact schematic by complete model number but I would guess that it's like the top link np36.
You can do a visual examination of your unit and see if there is a loose or broken wire from the main switch to the card but before we start probing any wires we need to know exactly which schematic to look at. The pins could be loose in the connector also.