SoundGuy wrote:
What I'm having difficulty with is Progressive wanting to have it both ways
Bobbo wrote:
You've never seen double talk before? Lucky you. Standard item in most any company's arsenal. You will never be able to pin them down.
I guess I was hoping for an exception here considering what seems to be a fairly stellar reputation for Progressive on this and other forums ... silly me. :S In the meantime, after viewing
Mike Sokol's video in which he demonstrated plugging an EMS-HW30C into a Honda EU3000iS with a floating output and apparently not destroying his EMS I decided this morning to try it myself by bonding my own EU2000i. As I should have expected my EMS did not self destruct, showed E0 which means no errors, and did properly pass power on to my trailer but the question therefore remains as to why Progressive won't categorically say "YES you can or NO you can't" when it comes to powering an RV with a genset and if so whether neutral / ground bonding is an acceptable method of ensuring their EMS doesn't see a floating neutral as an open ground and therefore not pass power on to the RV. Since they sell a bonding plug as an accessory item then I want to know why they say in the EMS-HW30C owner's manual -
"Never bond the neutral and ground together for any reason." Perhaps they're referring to inside the EMS itself (though I can't imagine why anyone would do that anyway) so I don't see that this should be such a difficult question to answer. :h