bpounds wrote:
I do think Honda is the gold standard.
Lately I have seen a lot of used Honda 2k on places like Craigslist. Since the 2.2k came out.
I can't argue with Honda being the "gold standard", Yamaha is probably #2, but about the same price. Champion and even Harbor Freight inverter generators have gotten EXCELLENT reviews and at a fraction of the price of a new Honda. They are worth considering.
The new "dark horse" in the Westinghouse iGen 2500. It delivers 2200/2500 watts, more than the Honda 2200, and, again at a fraction of the price.
A well maintained used Honda is a good option.
bpounds wrote:
You need a generator first. Solar second.
Concur ! Anyone with solar who boondocks a lot, needs a generator. The sun does not shine every day.
If you have a large A/C unit and want to stay with Honda, consider the EG2800i. Much lighter and less expensive than the EU3000i. The EG2800i is a bit louder.