Just to be clear: "won't even turn over" means that the starter motor is not turning the engine crankshaft for some reason. There are a few possible reasons for this.
Maybe power isn't getting to the starter: either a loose or broken power connection somewhere, or a failure of the starter solenoid, or of the control circuitry to the solenoid. Checking voltages with a voltmeter/test light should track this down fairly readily. Also verify that the ground connections are good.
If power is going to the starter motor, the starter could be bad or sticking.
If the starter motor is turning but the engine isn't, probably there is a broken tooth on the engine flywheel where the starter engages, or a worn pinion on the starter, or something sticking or bad in the benedix mechanism on the starter. Some starters have an overrun clutch on the pinion that is supposed to let the pinion turn faster than the starter motor when the engine catches; sometimes these clutches wear out and freewheel in both directions. (I don't think this is too common on small engine starters, though.)
It's also possible that the engine has seized up for some reason. You should be able to turn it over (or at least move the crankshaft somewhat) by hand.
My bet would be on a loose/broken connection somewhere (either control or 12V power) or some issue with the starter motor itself.