3 tons wrote:
Thanks for the added information…So IF I have this right (??….) when you say ‘service address’ this means the (general?) location of your whereabouts for reception, versus ‘exact address’ is where you receive your mail, and service address needs to be occasional updated as you move on to other locations - at least that’s what I’m thinking…
3 tons
Yeah, "service address" is where you expect to use the dish. When you go to their website and type in an address to see if it is available, that is the service address. Further into the checkout procedure, you can enter a different shipping address for them to send it to. It's always been possible to use a different service address than your exact location, and historically, within about a 15mi radius would still guarantee you service. More on that in my next paragraph. We found that if it didn't like the first service address you tried, you could often, but not always, find an eligible address or plus code within that 15mi radius, and just change the shipping address to have it sent to you.
Up until Feb 18, anyone moving around and using Starlink had to change their service address on the Starlink website every time they moved. Again, any usable service address within about a 15mi radius would work. On Feb 18, they began to allow roaming, and now updating the service address is no longer necessary. The caveat is they "only guarantee service at the service address", so if are using it elsewhere, it's on a best-effort basis. We, and many other people, have had great luck with just roaming this last month and a half.
Starlink is still very much a work in progress and evolving all the time, but with the recent update to allow roaming, it has become our primary source of Internet, enough that I'm considering dropping one or both of my expensive grandfathered unlimited cellular options in the next few months if nothing changes.