RJsfishin wrote:
Properly installed...and greased bearings do not heat up. If a bearing is heating up, there is a serious problem that will turn into bearing failure very quickly. When I tow a heavy trailer, I feel the hubs at rest stops. Except on a hot day, they are never much more than warm. And if ever one is noticeable warmer than the others, that wheel (probably all) will get inspected at first chance. Normally, bearings do not need packing for at least 2-3 years. And if EZ lube, NEVER.
From the largest supplier of Trailer Axles to the RV industry(LCI which owns Dexter now). There is heat from the brakes and such. I did not mean they heat up to extreme temps. I call heat anything from 100 to 135 which in hot weather and braking often will get too. What do you mean "If EZ lube, never"? Never what? Doug
Bearing Lubrication - Grease
Bearing grease should be replaced every 12,000 miles or 12 months, whichever comes first. Remove all old grease
from wheel hub and bearings first. Bearings should be packed by machine if possible. Packing bearings by machine
is preferable; however, packing by hand is a viable alternative.
Follow these procedures to repack bearings by hand:
1. Place grease into the palm of your hand (See Fig. 1).
2. Press widest end of bearing into the outer edge of the grease pile, forcing grease into the inner area of
the bearing between two adjacent rollers (See Fig. 2).
3. Repeat this process while turning bearing from roller to roller until all rollers are coated.
4. Apply a light coat of grease into the bearing cup surface.
5. Reassemble bearing into cup.
This is from the EZ lube manual.
The E-Z lube or Super-lube feature on your axles provides the ability for the bearings to be
periodically lubricated without removing the hubs from the axle. This feature consists of
axle spindles that have been specially drilled and fitted with grease zerks in their ends.
When grease is pumped into the zerk, it is channeled to the inner bearing and then flows
back to the outer bearing and eventually back out the grease cap hole. If you have further
questions, consult with your dealer.
?NOTE: The convenient lubrication provisions of the E-Z lube or Super-lube feature
must not replace periodic inspection and maintenance of the bearings. Use a hand-operated
grease gun; improper use of a commercial grease gun may damage the sea