Well, I disassembled the carb, lowered it into a gallon can of carb cleaner using the supplied basket, after I removed all the rubber parts and the jets.
24 hours later I took it out, and it was cleaner, except it was covered in a grey slime that looked like a thin paste. I guess the carb cleaner ate away at the finish on the carb. Otherwise, it looked okay, though.
So, I went out and bought an $80 ultasonic cleaner (to clean up the slime) at Harbor Freight, and since I had a 25% off coupon, it seemed like an okay deal. (Of course, a new carb is only about $35, so why bother? Because, now I have a new tool, that's why! You had to ask?)
I cleaned it out for about 10 minutes with a mix of simple green and water(heated). I cleaned all the jets out by hand.
I am going to put it back together tonight, and try and start it.
Any ideas about the grey slime?