I like these simple diagrams from google search showing the RV 120VAC circuit plan.
This is a typical 30AMP Service layout... This only has a single 120VAC 30AMP leg for use in the RV trailer...
This is a typical 50AMP Service layout... You can see the split 50AMP circuits here with the RED and BLACK wires. This will have two 120VAC 50AMP legs for use in the RV Trailer
This is what should happen when you add a RV30A-50A adapter to a typical 50AMPS Service layout where 50AMP Service is not available. NOTE the 30A-50A adapter has the RED and BLACK wires "jumpered" so that the 30AMP service will feed both 50AMP service legs. This may NOT be true for all 30A-50A adapters and only ONE 120VAC leg is activated. With the RED and BLACK lines jumpered with the adapter will activate both 50AMP legs in the trailer but of course you can load down both legs up to a 30AMP Service source other wise it trip the circuit breaker. i.e. you would have to watch what high current appliances you are running at the same time on both circuits. i.e. probably only A/C at a time and maybe not having the one A/C on at the same time the high wattage microwave is being used etc...
Source of diagrams is from GOGGLE SEARCH
Roy Ken