liborko wrote:
Natural gas is not pure metane and what is called LPG is not pure propane but a mixture of different gases with propane and butane predominant gases. The ratio of propane and butane in LPG varies with season and location same as vapor pressure of gasoline varies with season and location. The ratio of propane and butane in LPG is only known to a supplier and even the people who dispense the LPG don't know it. This may explain why my furnace worked better on Canadian propane(LPG) posssibly because it has higher content of propane and lower content of butane.
LPG gas
You still did not answer my question---HOW can(did) you determine your furnace ran better off certain LP supply. Natural Gas is just that. LP and Butane are manufactured as a by product of oil refining. I am licensed by the Texas Railroad Commission which regulates ALL LP/Natural gas operations in Texas and my last update class, they stated that Texas does not refine Butane anymore for USA consumption. Doug