Old Biscuit, I gotta hand it to ya, yeah it is a 2002 presidential. The atwood element that was called for was a 91160, but a camco 2142 came out of it. My dealer sold me a 2143 camco, but it doesn't list Atwood on the package. It also seems to me, the element housing is completely seated before the gasket compresses, so right now even though its working there is moisture, not quite a leak at the bottom of the element. Iwas wondering if the atwood elent has a deeper thread or bigger gasket? BTW, the po controlled the hot water by turning the breaker off when it got too hot. I replaced the tstat and eco 2 years ago, it appeared the "mechanic" that did the work didn't install the springs for the tsat and eco, prolly the same guy that installed the element Im thinking.