PK. you have 3 capacitors- run capacitors for the blower and compressor, and a start capacitor for the compressor (the small black one). Ignore the one hooked to the blower (unless those wires have come loose as well).
Disregard the wires that go through to the blower.
You have a yellow coming in from the front, it goes to a run capacitor, to a terminal with three wires hooked to it- 2 yellows and a white. The white goes out to the compressor, the other yellow goes to the start capacitor. The other terminal on the start capacitor has a yellow wire which goes to terminal #1 on the black relay box at the top. Terminal 2 of the relay box has a red wire which goes to the other side of the run capacitor above. That terminal has another red wire on it which goes out to the compressor.
The purple wire comes in from the front and goes to terminal 5 on the relay box, that terminal also has a black wire going out to the compressor.
That should be all the wires.