geoedgerton wrote:
Equal-i-zer hitch actually offers a neoprene type pad that goes on the "L" bracket where the bars ride. We have used the pad and it does reduce noise and does not seem to negatively affect sway control.
Earl E wrote:
Did I miss something? He has chains. That's not the Equal-i-zer. He has an equalizer, brand unnamed.
What the OP said in his original post -
"I have an Equalizer WDH with the friction style anti sway bars with retaining pins vice hanging chains."What the OP should have said in his original post -
"I have an Equal-i-zer WDH with weight distribution spring bars which ride in a pair of L brackets mounted to the trailer's A frame vs spring bars suspended from hanging chains."That said, most who responded have read through the OP's poorly written description and interpreted it to mean he indeed has an Equal-i-zer brand weight distribution system, in which case the suggestions offered were quite valid. At the time I owned one I used dry graphite spray lubricant on the bars and L brackets and found that to work quite well at reducing the noise without adversing affecting the Equal-i-zer's ability to also control sway.