the 2200 is a HUGE improvement over the 2000 especially as you get above sea level. I had a 2000 and it would not reliably start my AC at sea level. I did get the easy start and the 2000 would easily start the AC at 5000ft but after a few minutes overload.
Now with the 2200 at 5000+ft for me and 7000ft my brother is at the 2200 will easily run the AC all day. And at 4500ft a fellow camper had a 13.5K BTU AC and we on a lark decided to see if a 2200 would start it without the easy start. turned off eco mode, started the AC and the 2200 barely grunted to get it started and again continued to run.
at 4500ft the 2200 has over 300W of margin. I can run the AC AND the fridge on electric with no overload.
IMHO the biggest reason is that the 2200 has a much larger engine, something like 125cc vs the 2000 so altitude doesn't affect the output near as much as the smaller engine on the 2000 does.