Yes you can link (parallel) the two generators to power your AC unit, people have been doing it for years. Here's a link to a $50 parallel kit.
Linkand a link to a $30 unit.
LinkThe kits are all basically the same so don't get too hung up on brand name.
There is a danger in paralleling the generators. If done incorrectly you can create a hazardous situation that could be potentially fatal. The good thing about the kits above is the plugs self seal if one of them gets somehow disconnected from the generator.
Do not go the cheap route of just plugging the two generators together through the household plugs. Doing so will also achieve what you want. But it creates what is appropriately called a suicide cord. The link below is an example of a suicide cord. You plug the ends of the cord into the generators and you get more power. But if one of the cords comes out it will be an exposed live wire. Thinking about camping there are quite a few reasons a plug might come undone. A toddler wandering around camp. A teenager playing a prank on their friend. Or maybe an adult who's had a few too many, stumbles and trips over the cord and lands on the exposed end. Below is a link to a suicide cord. While the cord in the link would not fit your generators, the idea is the same, just don't do it.
Link to a "suicide cord".