Single Honda Eu2000i powered 15k Carrier V. Turned off all parasitic loads in the 5th including battery chargers, stereos, TVs, etc. Attached the Honda EU2000i with a 10 AWG 3 prong extension cord trough the transfer switch in the front of the 5th. Started the Honda and turned off the Eco mode. Went into the 5th and started the air conditioner fan first then, with the AC fan running, turned the air conditioner on (Carrier 15k BTU) and compressor came right on. I let it run and cycle for a while after it reached 75 deg.
Performed the same test with the Carrier 13.5k in the bedroom with the same results.
I believe the keys to making this work are:
1) using a 30 AMP cord to connect the Honda to the 5th
2) turning off all parasitic current draws in the 5th
3) starting the AC fan first to reduce the surge when the compressor kicks on