eldel wrote:
I'd really like to be able to run the AC on my rig when I've got it parked outside the house before we take off on a trip. The 110V house supply isn't enough but I do have a 220V / 30A outlet in the garage which is a 14-30 outlet.
I'm looking and reading but I don't see anywhere where I can get a 14-30 to TT-30 converter. 14-50 to TT-30 yes. Is this even possible (assuming that the 14-50 converter just splits 220/50 into 2 x 110/25) or am I looking at wiring in a new circuit?
Keep in mind your 30 amp for your trailer is only 120 volt NOT 240, if you connect your trailer to that wielder outlet you will fry most electric items in your trailer.