time2roll wrote:
Bobbo wrote:
way2roll wrote:
Why do you say the house current isn't enough? I run a 50/30/15 adapter and plug it into an exterior house outlet. As long as I am careful to run one AC only, no problem. Seems like this is more complicated than it needs to be unless I am missing something.
House loads on that circuit. He not only has to count RV loads, he has to count house loads too.
Dryer circuit is virtually always a dedicated circuit.
True, about the circuit he WANTS to use. However, I am referencing the circuit he is CURRENTLY (pun pun) using, an outdoor 15 amp outlet.
way2roll wrote:
I get that, but there is usually one circuit - like the outside receptacles that are isolated to the same circuit. And of course you can always monitor what's on the circuit.
Which is exactly what he is trying to stop having to do.