ktmrfs wrote:
enblethen wrote:
Ktmrfs: you do agree that dryers are 120/240 and not straight 220 volts AC?
Proper installation of a device is critical?
yes, Dryer outlet has two 120V legs, neutral and ground. In fact parts of the dryer typically run on 120V, like the motor and controller board. Usually only the heating element is 220V.
for years NEC code allowed dryers, ovens, cooktops outlets to share neutral and ground. No longer. Now they must be a 4 wire with seperate neutral and ground. If you buy a new dryer, cooktop, stove, etc. they now come with instructions on how to connect the ground for both systems, common ground/neutral and seperate ground/neutral
Regardless of history or the interworkings of a clothes dryer... OP said he had a NEMA 14-30 that he wanted to use.