larry cad wrote:
BFL13 wrote:
Yes they are in parallel. The question was if the load/charging is balanced across both pairs or not.
I thought I answered that by explaining a jumper exists between the + and the - terminals. Theoretically the resistance between them is therefore 0 ohms which should do a fair job of balancing the loads from each bank. That they are close, and the "shunt" is short only improves that situation.
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. The OP photo is not clear to me either as there seems to be extra wires on the terminals. We may not be talking the same language wrt "balanced". I need to find a drawing of what I mean to link to at least clear that up. I will edit in here.
ok scroll down to 3.7 table 3 drawing of the four batts in series-parallel and note the position of the load/charge wires.