time2roll wrote:
larry cad wrote:
BFL13 wrote:
Yes they are in parallel. The question was if the load/charging is balanced across both pairs or not.
I thought I answered that by explaining a jumper exists between the + and the - terminals. Theoretically the resistance between them is therefore 0 ohms which should do a fair job of balancing the loads from each bank. That they are close, and the "shunt" is short only improves that situation.
The main high amp connections are best made to opposite pairs. In your case say the main negative (-) went to the Trojans and the main positive (+) went to the Interstates would actually create a better balance. Especially under heavy loads or heavy charging. Yes the parallel connectors are low resistance and so are the batteries so it can cause 10% or more getting drawn from one set compared to the other.
I would be interested in your calculation to support this statement. I assume you know the internal resistance of the two types of batteries, and also the resistance of the jumper wire between the two series sets of batteries. No doubt you included the resistance of the series jumpers as well.
By the way, the calculated resistance of the jumper wires, (both the series connections and the parallel connections) are .000047 ohms. If I were ever to pull full load (i.e. 400amps) through any one of those jumpers, the voltage drop calculates out to be .0188 volts DC which is .00156% of the 12vdc