time2roll wrote:
larry cad wrote:
I would be interested in your calculation to support this statement. I assume you know the internal resistance of the two types of batteries, and also the resistance of the jumper wire between the two series sets of batteries. No doubt you included the resistance of the series jumpers as well.
By the way, the calculated resistance of the jumper wires, (both the series connections and the parallel connections) are .000047 ohms. If I were ever to pull full load (i.e. 400amps) through any one of those jumpers, the voltage drop calculates out to be .0188 volts DC which is .00156% of the 12vdc
Calculated resistance for EACH of the four jumpers is .000047 ohms. The jumper wires are rated at 400 amps DC, but would almost never exceed 60 amps. Voltage drop between the two positive leads in that condition would be .00281vdc. To me that sounds a lot like balanced.