That is an interesting panel you linked to. $237? Just over 8 amps at 36 volts, and the mppt would covert that to 24 amps at 12 v Theoretically. Should be more than sufficient to replace a days worth of usage ( for us) in 3 hours, if my understanding is accurate.
I have a tentative system in mind. A single high voltage panel such as those discussed, Tristar 60 mppt, the tm2025 monitor, and four gc2 6v Agms. Some of the components may seem overkill, but I like to play with things. If I find a way to add some additional portable panels. I won't strain any component. With the wasted space I've been finding inside the unit, it might be feasible to add a few more batteries later. The monitor can be wired for a second battery bank as well.