Thermoguy wrote:
Why use the fridge? you are talking just 1 weekend, use a cooler for your food. Use minimal lights, minimal water (pump).
Problem solved.
Yeah, I mean I’ve camped a lot of times with 2 coolers. Dry ice cooler for frozen and other food and ice cooler for bevvies.
And when camping like that also use minimal water and lights. And don’t use heat or AC either.
AND the “camper” rolls up into a little bag with its poles….haha.
But then we got an actual camper, u know, for conveniences like refrigeration and water and lights and heat and and and ….
OP is fixated on something here, whether it’s his being cheap or lack of finances to shore up his electrical system, or something else. Since it’s almost impossible, as a RVer to not learn by default how long your batteries last.
If you haven’t, then you’re either oblivious or never unplug the camper.