We enjoy more rustic camping and added solar along with two Group 31 AGM's for a few reasons. The AGM's can take a deeper discharge, where lead acids are said to be okay down to 50%. AGM's charge up faster, and they don't need to be vented and water levels are not an issue either. Probably costing nearly twice as much as 6 volts I felt it was a worthwhile expense, but the 6 volts are popular too.
My trailer uses right around 30 amps per day with the battery switch on and the fridge running while in the storage yard before trips so a two battery setup would be nice to have especially if running the furnace is a regular concern.
Our solar setup is 2 160 watt panels and a 30 amp MPPT charger controller, which has allowed us to dry camp numerous nights without the need of our EU2000 for charging, which hasn't been used camping since our solar install.