My apologies to the OP - please come back to continue contributing to the forum and learning from it! What you see happening here occurs often and is called a segway or non sequitur in the conversation. Your original post was an appropriate and excellent issue to discuss. :)
mena661 wrote:
It doesn't work like that PN. If the bank has no record of your account because of a solar flare, there will be no records at all or there will be partial records or there will be no working servers with good records or there will be partially working servers with partial records or access to those records could be slow because of panicky people. I could go on. The "Internet" is a repository of information. It's also an avenue of communication. When I say everything uses the internet, I'm not exaggerating. There is an infrastructure to the internet and that infrastructure is used by everything from Amazon to email to phone calls to bank transactions. Probably the only thing that doesn't use the internet is TV (if you're using standard TV service and not streaming). I'm on wireless internet also. It's only wireless to the ISP then it connects to the internet backbone (infrastructure) which is a hardline. There is no wireless portion of the internet backbone.
I'm well aware of the Internet and how it works. I started out on the Internet with a PC Junior that I modified and haven't looked back. I worked in the electronics industry for over 32 years (analog chips for everything and digital chips for flat screen displays).
My beef with the Internet is philosophical and based on knowledge of the failure modes in the electronics world and on the social downsides to a world order becoming too devoid of personal experiences by substituting them with Internet experiences.
I stand by my position that the Internet is a tool that needs to be continued, expanded, and depended upon with discretion - which may not be happening. I hope that myself, my children, and my grandkids aren't around for the Internet downside(s) that may (will?) eventually come to be ... indeed, we all are probably caught up in some Internet negatives as we speak (or write!). :(
P.S. Mex ... please post in detail how and when amp hour meters are to be perodically calibrated so current and prospective users aren't lead astray about how magical these meters can seem to be.