Wind at night. Having spent too much time on the Pacific coast I have seen "wind" at night, only during storms. From the border of Guatemala to the huge wind generator fields of California Altamont Pass, night generation is a zero.
This reminds me of the pyramid schemes so popular in the late 70's and early 80's. "EVERYBODY WINS!" except the people who have to pay for it. Think of it like FREE DRINKS at casinos. Made with generic booze and concentrated artificial flavors.
Having an MBA and inquisitive mind I studied the North American Free Trade Agreement for 15-years. It's a giant pea and three walnut shell game. Not to deceive the consumer, but avoid paying taxes on net income. The companies prosper, the consumer pays less and in the case of Mexico CARS COST A HELL OF A LOT MORE DOWN IN MEXICO than they do in the USA or Canada. Ain't life grand?
An original equipment brand Made In Mexico brake rotor for a one ton Ford pickup costs forty dollars down here. The same brand the EXACT SAME rotor will cost $150 in the USA. Neat huh?
Costco memberships cost $28.00, and avocados in season cost less than sixty cents a pound.
But there is no such thing as a FREE LUNCH. Entitlements are the venue of government in the USA. Got GNUS for some of you - it will be IMPOSSIBLE to convert 99% of Mexico to electric cars for the next 200 years. And the people down here are not going to go without autos nor the delivery vehicles in the supply chain. Any weakness apparent in the USA energy infrastructure can be amplified by 10,000 south of the border.
I remember visiting an Aunt in Seattle in 1958. She gloated over having household electric heat that cost 2.1 cents per kWh. Those days are GONE! They sell electricity from the Grand Coulee Dam, and pray tell how much does residential power cost NOW in Seattle per kWh? Hmmmmmm? Is water more expensive down flowing through hydroelectric ducts?
I blame both people and the education system for not teaching the fundamentals of how an economy actually functions. What is the percentage of folks that can audit and analyze the ACTUAL cost of electric car operation? Try and find a SHRED of information of what energy and resource depletion it takes to manufacture and power an electric vehicle. 99% of the public haven't got A CLUE as to how additional tera watts are going to be manufactured for electric car dominance.
It may be possible to get China to produce 100,00,0000,000,000,0000,00,000 high watt solar panels to charge vehicles during the day, then RATION power during high demand hours.
With fuel exchanged for motive force exchanged for magnetic induction exchanged for transformers exchanged for line transmission loss, exchanged for reduction transformer conversion, then conversion to chemical ion exchange, how does "electricity" stack up against hydrocarbon propulsion? Gotta clue?
I have read many white papers re: Emissions allowed per kWh generated at hydrocarbon fueled generation plants. But woe is me, I cannot find a shred of analysis as to kWh produced in terms of motive force delivered. Why is that?
The energy fairy will come and deliver free kWh's. Wait! There's more. Search and find the COST of natural gas turbine power generation. It's FAR higher than petroleum. Having fired a pair of B&W boilers on natural gas vs no 6 fuel oil I can tell you the difference is astronomical. No 6 fuel oil would have to be De-sulfured and intensive stack scrubbers installed to change BLACK grade energy into brown energy which is a far cry from green energy. Petroleum pitch is even worse. Now go search for data about your utility's stack emissions versus kWh produced. Oooooo wait! Then the ten step energy conversion has to be applied.
But WAIT. There's FREE ENERGY. Free car recharging.
PT Barnum vastly understated the issue...good god.