A skewed perception of reality is what I am seeing. Problem is, someone has to PAY for it and guess who ends up holding the bag?
Like it or not, two million automobiles engaged in go-and-stop in rush hour traffic, with lights on and heaters grunting is going to consume an awful lot of energy. kWh or deceased dinosaurs. Intelligent traffic flow design to me is every bit as important as "Go Electric". Triple deck I-5, US 101, I-10, the 405, and make the top deck "direct passage" - only off-ramps. The middle deck exits and ingresses at only major boulevards and the bottom deck is a free-for-all.
There has been so much H.S. by the California Air Resources Board CARB, that reality ran away with the spoon. Barbecue lighter, cattle catalytic mufflers, and an incessant "Look at the air! Now argue!" Trouble is, like in the San Francisco Bay Area, weather patterns had changed. About 50% of the "improvement" bathes the Mojave desert with pollution. But a recent week of old-fashioned weather pattern had Lozenges back to yellow and brown skies.
EXACTLY why I fled from corporate life. The head fiefdom witch doctor makes policies with little sense, but when his flogged wogs produce results the chief takes all the credit.
Say a person commutes sixty miles per day. Not an unreasonable figure. Lives in a major suburb. Five days a week. For a month. How many kWh does this add to his electric bill?
Accurate data is the only way to analyze this.