Obviously (I Hope) I was joking 2oldman :)
Being a pure nerd I have attempted to dig back in time and come up with a compelling reason for the creation of unbelievably vast quantities of crude oil.
No jungle that ever existed could provide the carbon and oil was formed by burying titanic amounts of vegetation.
Couldn't be a dense jungle what could it have been. Alien alfalfa crops gone Jack In The Beanstalk...? Orchids on steroids...?
Try this...
Biblical grade volcanic eruptions including mega eruptions that would make an impending Yellowstone National Park blowout look like a cherry bomb deposited a layer of minerals including sulfur on oceans when the supercontinent Pangea was spuming and ejecting...
That inspired an algae bloom that again achieved biblical proportions. Virtual continents of floating algae several feet thick...
Guess what (?) out of all vegetation in history algae consumes more carbon dioxide than any other. By magnitudes. The volcanic eruptions gave the plant oodles of carbon.
And the algae eventually sucked all the CO2 out of the air.
Whoa Hoss! Inverse Greenhouse Effect Incorported!
Ice age city. To the point where glaciation made more recent ice ages look like a bag of party ice cubes.
The algae took offense at this and died and sank. Plate tectonics did the rest, subducting and folding terraforming style land masses. And the algae became hydrocarbon cognac. In some cases Courvoisier grade crude oil.
I find it stunning that environmental groups went ape#### when an attempt was made to experiment spreading iron filings on the surface of the ocean to test this theory. The far south Pacific Ocean is sterile. No fish and few of any kind of life form. A test spreading a few thousand tons of iron filings could prove the exercise. But environmental groups threatened to sue, demonstrate, climb trees and wear gorilla suits in protest.
Which brings up a question...If the greenhouse effect was nullified would it endanger the empowerment nay the very existence of environmental extremism? It's a fascinating area of study...
Environmental extremism is the far side of environmental responsibility -- like burning a Hummer agency to the ground in the Los Angeles area while chanting Kumbayah. Created more toxic emissions than 10,000 Hummers would in 10-years. So cool it with the green leaf knee-jerk to my comments, please :)