Btw about 7 milion people dies every year from air polution,,
About seven million people WHERE die every year from air pollution?
That would equal about one in every 44 Americans dying of air pollution every year. So the USA can't be the focus. China? China has about 7% of the autos per million than the USA or Europe. India has far fewer still. I know that in the mid east silica pulmonary damage from sandstorms is horrible.
We could drastically reduce motor vehicle pollution in USA cities by eliminating morning and evening rush hour traffic. Mexico has one of the best urban transportation networks going. It is rational and efficient to use the system for errands. The systems in the USA are horridly inefficient. That's why buses are not filled but freeway lanes are.
Speaking of pollution. Solar voltaic units are manufactured in China which not only kills its citizens with the worse air pollution ever to disgrace the planet earth the pollution is poisoning the South China Sea and Sea of Japan. So try and rationalize statements before uttering them. China has been turned into a poison pit by providing the earth with "clean energy".
Idiot statisticians try and chart pollution standards. I read numbers about China. They are fabricated out of thin air by their authors. China does not check and China does not reveal these kinds of state secrets. Furthermore would the Central Committee be provided with accurate numbers? Embarrassing numbers?
China has been using totally uncontrolled bituminous coal combustion to create electricity. Zero combustion efficiency - zero stack scrubbers. The plants that harvest and cut silica crystals have no emissions controls. Immense pollution created by extracting aluminum from Bauxite.
It's not easy to do but lowering sulfur in gasoline to 1-2 ppm would greatly reduce sulfur emissions. Vastly increasing production of alkylate to increase it's percentage in motor gasoline would also go a long way to help.
But the new Macarena in the environmental world is electricity. Oooommm. Current. Hare Watthour Hare Miracle. Chant with me...