mikim wrote:
Tesla just announced that the electric truck will be in the price range of $150,000 to $200,000. They are expecting significant reduction in the cost of the batteries. They are planning on having a 1MWh battery to get the 500 mile range.
Its actually catching on pretty quick now. Ryder just bought a bunch of short hall trucks from Chanje with more to come next year. They will buy them from China till they can get the Assembly plant up an running in LA. Parts will come from china and be assembled here. Ryder has also reserved some of the Tesla medium and long haul Semis along with Walmart and at least two other small supermarket chains.
http://www.latimes.com/business/autos/la-fi-hy-ryder-chanje-20170814-story.htmlChina will be the leader in this arena but I think Tesla has a shot at the long haul advantage at this point. I think you'll see europe totally switch to electric short medium and long haul in the next decade.
On the personal car side, Britain just put a chunk of money into 13000 more charge stations in the next few years which doubles the 13000 they have. Shell oil is starting to add DC fast chargers to many of their stations as well. This is important because presently their are only 820 fast charge stations of 50 KW or more. Nobody likes to sit at a level two charger when on a road trip.
The best coverage still comes with Tesla though. And that will make a difference for people if they are buying an EV for long range trips. Here is their new 40 stall site in Kettleman California. These are smaller than the 50 stall sites in China but you get the idea. Neat video. I like this guy. He has a few interesting videos out there.