rfuerst911sc wrote:
Lot's of variables that can affect filter quality that are hard to judge. What is the quality of the water being filtered ? What elements in that water are being filtered ? Does the filter cartridge contain anything to kill bacteria ? Filtering chlorine is one thing vs. dirt/sediment/iron etc. and all will change the filters ability to filter. In my opinion I would go six month intervals, I base that solely on not knowing if the filter has an anti-bacterial feature. A charcoal/carbon filter will basically filter until it is clogged. But that does you no good if it is a breeding ground for bacteria !
Thanks! That's a good analysis of it. I have a filter on the kitchen sink faucet at home and their technology gives me a read out of when the filter is shot and its time to change. That unit's instructions also indicates specifically that 90 gallons is about all they are good for. I am considering slapping one of those PUR filters on the "fivers" kitchen sink and forgoing the in line version for the whole rig. Not sure why I need to filter the water for the bathroom as we don't drink it?
Thats helpful Westend. Appreciated.