Forum Discussion

countrykids's avatar
Sep 14, 2016

Indoor, outdoor, fridge thermometer

I would like to monitor outside temp, fridge temp and indoor temp.with a single display panel.

Any recommendations?
  • Two location thingies are really cheap. I picked up a lovely one recently for $5. Three location ones I can't say I've ever seen, but I have no doubt they exist. It's your money, best of luck.
  • I bought a couple of Oregon Scientifics a few years ago. They were on a Walmart clearance shelf for some very cheap price like $3 or $4 so figured couldn't hurt too much to try them. They work really well. Batteries last about 7 or 8 months.

    Displays the main unit environment and up to 3 external sensors if available.

    Each one only came with one sensor, so currently have one unit in the house and sensor channel 2 out on the deck. 2nd unit is in the TC with sensor channel 3 in the TC refrigerator.
    When at home, both master units display both sensor channels with a distance of about 100' between the sensors and the master unit.

    No need to open the door or run wires to monitor the temp or humidity.

    I plan on purchasing a couple more sensors but haven't made a concerted effort yet.