Here in the southern mountains, we can get big temperature swings between nighttime and daytime. Going from 20’s overnight to high-70’s or even 80’s during the day is not uncommon.
I’ve kept an overhead vent open, and even cracked windows by an inch or so, without it helping much. There’s simply more moisture in cold-season air here compared to the air much further north. Lots more. Plus, I’m breathing, washing, and cooking with gas in a small heated space, all of which generates moisture in the air.
My main concern is cutting down on condensation. Reducing heat loss would be a welcome bonus.
I’m thinking I would need to avoid creating a dead-air space next to the glass, unless it was sealed from moisture intrusion from the inside, such as the windows that now have the heat-shrink plastic. I think creating an unsealed dead-air space between glass and insulation would probably do as much to encourage condensation.
I’ve been wondering if there is something I could insert as an insulating layer pressed against the glass at night. Remove during the day. Something to separate the cold glass from the moist inside air and minimize contact between the two.
I’ve been determined that our next RV will have dual pane windows. But that limits our purchase options, since dual pane is not even available as an option to order on a lot of RV’s. It would make life much simpler if I could figure out a workable alternative.
Reflectix may help, particularly if I can press it inside the frame next to the glass. I'll check that out. Thanks!