Yes the convertor is putting out over 13.3 volts. Hence the voltage on the auxiliary batteries jumping from 12.45 to 13.5+ when plugged in on shore power. So is the alternator as you see. They jump from 12.65 to 14.3 when the RV is started.
I did not check J1-Pin 5 yet as I was told if there was no voltage on that I would not hear the click of the isolation relay? Is that not true?
I think I also figured out what they mean here.
"If there is voltage on the coil, check for voltage between the main and auxiliary batteries. If the voltage is more than 0.1 volts replace the relay."
Essentially, when the isolation relay pulls in all batteries are in parallel. (Chassis and Auxiliary) Thus there should be no more than a 0.1 volts difference across the relay.