Chris Bryant wrote:
I hate to harp on this, but y'all are ignoring the fact that the OP's refrigerator does not draw 720 watts- 6 amps, unless it is a 4 door model, it draws 300 watts. That doesn't need a 2000 watt inverter, a 350-400 watt model would do fine- MSW- zero need for sine wave for a heating element.
#4 welding cable of whatever length he needs for a TC is overkill.
The OP stated the inverter is only for running the refrigerator over the road- why make things complicated?
True, but there is the "surge" in amps when cycling start-up, so most people report they need at least a 600w inverter for the res fridge.
Our new small absorption fridge on AC has a steady draw of more like 14 amps vs the 5 amp steady draw of the small res fridge we had. I don't know if there is a surge with the new fridge on AC when you switch from propane to AC.
We prefer to use the 120v mode from inverter while on the road and then switch to propane on arrival, but unless stopping for gas or taking a ferry, that is considered safe by many. (Unless you are in a car crash of course)