landyacht318 wrote:
Cool electronics are happy electronics.
I like that... Very good, I may use it some day. (reason for quoting)
To the O/P. Propane and electronics not a good mix.. Just so you know.. Have seen what happens when just a small amount of Propane encounters a spark. (Impressive, but thankfully no damage as I said SMALL amount, very small)
However if you are willing to take that risk, The trick is to avoid sparks.. Many fans can be found with BRUSHLESS motors that run on 12 volts.. You may even have one (Either 12 or 5 volts) in front of you right now. since they are common in Computers. Very common in fact.
A few of these (I once got a 12 pack for 10 BUCKS, and use most of them scattered about the RV) can move a lot of air, Some of them a LOT of air.
One of them is bolted to the side of the compartment where my Inverter is,, It is fed via a T-Stat (Disc type) off the batteries, Behind it is a hole, and behind that an automotive air filter (keeps dust and **** out of the compartment and the wall of the next compartment (Nice tight fit)
In another spot is another hole, another air filter and a plywood flat to seal it off.
Moves just about the amount of air you cited.